
Sunday, November 13, 2005

a year later....

do u know where you were a year ago right now?

it is 2:15 am on november 13, 2005.....


  • since i too am wasting away time, i checked my ical. A year ago right now i went to relevant mag's open house, since their new office is 3 miles from my house. mute math was there. i felt rather unhip amongst all the relevant people, and began questioning my relevance. but then i decided it was just that i didn't want to spend $100 on each clothing item i was wearing.

    By Blogger laura, At Sun Nov 13, 11:08:00 PM 2005  

  • i went back to see what i was doing a year ago...guess what...i was doing the same exact thing i'm doing now. only i was sick then. nothing really changes.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At Wed Nov 16, 06:17:00 PM 2005  

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