Besides being what people say about me, "Hot Now" has a much more important meaning.
When someone asks what heaven is.
The answer is "Hot Now."
You see, Heaven is like standing in a Krispy Kreme in the middle of the night. Can't you just picture it. The blurry eyed young man in his now disheveled going-to-the-movies clothes is starring at the hundred and hundreds of tasty goodness flowing past him like the river of life. After the great guy movie he has just seen with his friends, he stands in the empty lobby and all he can hear is the hum of the neon sign. He stands there transfixed by the white glaze on the doughnuts and he fills this sudden peace overcome him a peace that knows no bonds a peace that is everlasting. That, my friend, is heaven.
When someone asks what grace is like?
The answer is "Hot Now."
You see, grace is like walking into a Krispy Kreme at midnight and receiving without having asked for it, a doughnut! God does not wait for us to ask for forgiveness before offering it to us. Actually, he calls us to him, just like Krispy Kreme calls us by way of the big red sign. Many of us have experienced it. We are hungry for something. There is deep longing inside of our stomach for something and then the glow of the great neon sign calls us. That is what it is like for us spiritually. We are longing for something but do not know what. Then god calls us to himself. Then He prepares us to accept his offer just like the smell of Krispy Kreme prepares us to accept the free gift. A gift that we cannot refuse. That my friend is grace
When someone asks what is hell like?
The answer is "Hot Now."
No, no I say this not because of the common idea that hell is a fiery place. Instead, let me ask, like I ask my students, what is so good about heaven? Well the good thing about heaven is the presence of God. The next question must be, what is so bad about hell? Well, the bad thing about hell is the absence of God. Can't you just picture the little kid standing in Krispy Kreme on a Saturday morning. His dad is holding him up letting him look at the doughnuts roll by and the young boy can smell their sweet aroma. Then his dad puts him down and leads him out of the presence of the doughnuts and back to the car. That, my friend, is a picture of hell.
I wanna write a book like this--someone find me a publisher.
Haha, that would make a great series for students. You know they don't give out free samples at Krispy Kreme in Orlando? I was shocked...so contrary to the gracious nature of Krispy Kreme... :(
laura, At
Thu Jul 28, 05:27:00 PM 2005
J, amen. As a fellow guy in movie-stained clothes and long nights to those movies, I think The Police said it best (or at least this is what he should've said)...
"Turn on your red light!!!"
Anonymous, At
Mon Aug 01, 12:12:00 PM 2005
J, I loved the picture. I remember one Sunday morning you brought Krispy Kremes to Sunday School. I asked you where you had gotten them. It seems you had driven back from Jackson just a few hours earlier and had bought them in Jackson. I couldn't believe that you had done that!
Anyway, I think that was a pretty cool analogy that you did!!! Mrs.H
Anonymous, At
Sun Aug 07, 12:26:00 AM 2005
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