
Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday school

its is about causing them to want to come. You know in marketing they talk about creating a need for the product. well i dont know if that is the case with sunday school. we do not need to create the need; the need is already there. so how do we get them there. there was an article in fast company a few months ago about how the smart phone could save the newspaper. it seems that people will download an app to their phone to receive the new york times simply because the app is free. this is an app that they do not need, an app they might even normally want...

what does that mean for sunday school? the need is there.... the app is free.....it seems like everything is in the minster of educations favor. It seems like everyone would flock to sunday school. it seems like every church should be discipling its people. but...but we are not. To quote my mama, "its like pull i-teeth" to get them there.

so why do they not come?

let me tell you why i dont like going to sunday school/small groups/bible fellowship groups....

1. we tell people to go to small groups (you tell me to go to small groups)b/c that is where we are discipled. they say that small groups is where someone becomes more Christ-like. In other words they tell me that it is Bible Study. Yet, by the very nature of the sunday school one can't have life changing bible study. the groups are "open." this means that the curriculum must be arranged so that a new person can get involved. As a result the groups that was promoted as "discipleship" is not............that's not a good reason not to go.

2. we tell people to go to small groups (you tell me to go to small groups)b/c that is where we develop community. they say that small groups is where someone understands what it means to be a part of the body of Christ. but i can't develop community in that small time..........that is not a good reason not to go.

3. we tell people to go to small groups (you tell me to go to small groups) b/c that is where we are able to find service opportunities for the church. really? well that never happens...........that is not a good reason not to go.

So....sunday school.....why should you go? All of these reasons are wrong.....you dont go to sunday school for you! you go to help the church build a place for the unsaved and for the new to Christ to find a picture of the church. you go b/c sunday school is the perfect entry point to the church....you go to fulfill the great commission.....

don't forget its not about you.....its not about me......its about the ones being chased by God.


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